A friend of mine ask me about where the hell is run command in the windows vista start menu? maybe you have the same question as him, so here's another share. What I should have done was simply use Vista's new Start Search dialog box, in the same way I used the old 'Run' command in XP. All that you need is to type the name of the executable, e.g. cmd, in the Start Search dialog box.
As you configure Vista so you will come to love the way that the new Start Search subtly combines the best of the old XP 'Run box', with the improved Vista Quick Search. What I particularly liked was the way the interface displayed all the matching programs as I typed just the first few letters.
Oh, one last thing. Why not use windowskey+r ? maybe this is the simplest way to access the run menu, i'm glad microsoft still use this shortcut in to their latest OS (hope they still gonna use it in windows 7)
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